G2A2 Class Homework 6/29
Today we read the second half of the story A Weed Is A Flower, practiced synonyms and learn to identify the difference between fiction and nonfiction. Lesson content 1. RS 2.1 p. 495-507 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CxadfibIL6Xg0AFNRqRh_wVeBhgQ14JJJGm6lRiYKs8/edit?usp=sharing 2. RWN 2.1 p. 243, 246 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zg3Fq7QJnGB23SpHj99XHRb1v8wDsw-u/view?usp=sharing 3. Phonics riddles: long and short -00- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zl2FpDe31G3_qp1dtmYsFKdBciRBR5tf?usp=sharing Homework Thursday 1. RS: Read 495- 507 pp.