G1 A2 English Homework 3/1
Today we wrote a friendly letter in the bubble book and practiced W4 vocabulary. Lesson content: 1 Writing: A friendly letter https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OOum-4LULaKgqiFLHY4TUXAsPzw0cnWuXvCp7IHt3HI/edit?usp=sharing Students wrote the letter in their bubble book. I didn't give them a mark as this is their first practice piece. I was really impressed with some students' creative ideas. I will ask the students who didn't complete the letter to come to me at lunch break to finish the letter. Please have a look at it and praise your child. They worked really hard to write it . 😁 2. W4 vocabulary slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ukL3-xXtp28XymsvUJrdVv0srp_RMqQm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110285530039990058683&rtpof=true&sd=true Homework Tuesday 星期二 1. Write VW’s # 1-6 ,4x ...