G1 A2 Class Homework 222
Today we reviewed the RS story A Big Fish for Max, practiced high-frequency words and q sound and read a poem in the phonics book. We also talked about what a letter is and the features of a friendly letter.
Lesson content:
1. Reading Street
p. 20-33
2. Phonics book
p. 148-153
3. RWN
p. 220
1. RS: Read p.16-33 pp.
2. Write VW’s # 7--12 ,4x
3. Make
3 sentences using a VW
! Students need to correct the errors in their bubble book. I've circled the errors. They need to write the circled word or sentence
one more time correctly.
They need to write the date when their homework is assigned and number the words and sentences in their bubble book.
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