G2 A2 Class Homework 11/1
Today, we learned about read the first few pages of the the RS story Tippy-Toe Chick, Go and learned about diphthongs -ow- and -ou- and final syllable -le. Lesson content 1. RS 1.5 p. 16-18, p. 20-25 Lesson slides 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cnF7W5pxgmX4EYKooKzHpYKBFQScALIpshx06tA5ypU/edit?usp=share_link Homework Tuesday 星期二 □ 1. RS: Read 16-18, 20-31 pp. □2. Write VW’s # 13 - 24 ,4x □3. Make 4 sentences using a VW