G1 104 Homework 8/31
We read the first RS story Sam, amswered comprehension questions about the story and learned how to use the communication book. Students should ask their parent to sign their communication book and bring it to school tomorrow. Lesson content 1. Short a blending practice https://youtu.be/_uRfJnxKVUQ?feature=shared 2. RS 1.R p. 16-27 https://youtu.be/X0xWLmySr30?feature=shared Lesson slides 1-10 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vXhxC2mxuoU6y8Hk7N89YvtygOALzzeU/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=110285530039990058683&rtpof=true&sd=true Homework Thursday 1. RS: Read p. 16-27 2. Study for quiz/test: No quiz